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 Official Movie Ratings Thread.

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Official Movie Ratings Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Official Movie Ratings Thread.   Official Movie Ratings Thread. Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 11:46 pm

Here you shall post your recommendations on movies and rating that you give them.

Simply just name the movie you are rating and reviewing and put the rating, so out of 10 and also a small review on it.
If you want just follow the format that I did for my review...

Go check em out, same rules apply here, also try to post new movies that just came out and
try to make it neat. Also you can comment on other people's reviews, but remember no flamming.

So ill start off by reviewing the movie "Legion"

For the people who have not seen the trailer, here it is:

This movie already came out. (January 22nd I believe)

Genre: Action | Fantasy | Horror | Thriller

Rated: R (Restricted)

Official Site:

Basically, this movie has a lot of talking involved and its not until a quartar of the way into the film where the action
starts happening. This film also reminds me of the "Unborn" because it involves a lot of disturbing
things like humans walking like spiders and having unusual characteristics like being able to turn their head in a perfect
360 degree angle and still be able to scream abnormally loud. It involves a lot of religious things like angels and God losing faith in humanity and things like that. This film is also an apocolapse type of movie, because it's basically the end of humanity. I don't adore this movie because I think the story is not that great. In the end, I would not
completely recommend this movie (like as a must see), but it's the type that if you have time go ahead and see it.

Overall rating: 7.5/10
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The Darkness

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Official Movie Ratings Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official Movie Ratings Thread.   Official Movie Ratings Thread. Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2010 9:57 pm

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Join date : 2010-01-18
Location : Waka Laka

Official Movie Ratings Thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official Movie Ratings Thread.   Official Movie Ratings Thread. Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2010 10:43 pm

The Darkness wrote:

Sorry but, can you stop fucking spaming, its getting on my nerves, like "Cool" wtf, such a pointless reply...
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PostSubject: Re: Official Movie Ratings Thread.   Official Movie Ratings Thread. Icon_minitime

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