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 God's religion is real?

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PostSubject: God's religion is real?   God's religion is real? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 11:39 pm

Ive always wanted to start a debate thread talking about if God is real or not?

Of course I believe in him, but I need other peoples opinions on this...

Please only educated and specific reply's, this is serious, no immaturity.

Now, discuss.
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God's religion is real? Empty
PostSubject: Re: God's religion is real?   God's religion is real? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2010 6:40 pm

well im not sure about god but i want to go to heaven cause ur after life is much longer and u only get on chance, but there has been no proof what so ever on god the only proof is the bible and i believe in the big bang theory and how life got bigger and bigger cause there have been a lot of proof about it but even that could be wrong even christanty musslum could be even true so we never know till we die so who e ver dies first haunt us and tell us...thanks!
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God's religion is real? Empty
PostSubject: Re: God's religion is real?   God's religion is real? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2010 6:49 pm

Chinguhaja why not just die now u hate ur life anyways -_- On topic- Of course who made the world then?....
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PostSubject: Re: God's religion is real?   God's religion is real? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2010 6:49 pm

An Admin Flaming.

anyways, The Big Bang created the world.
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PostSubject: Re: God's religion is real?   God's religion is real? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2010 7:19 pm

Rush wrote:
An Admin Flaming.

anyways, The Big Bang created the world.

I don't believe in the Big bang theory, simply no way to proof that somthing was created out of nothing, but then again you can't proof that God made it either...
There is no end to this topic, there are constantly new theories being created about how the Universe started.
I just believe in the bible and what Jesus told us.
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PostSubject: Re: God's religion is real?   God's religion is real? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2010 7:37 pm

I believe in most of the Bible, but not the awkward things like:
Adam and Eve and talking snake.
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God's religion is real? Empty
PostSubject: Re: God's religion is real?   God's religion is real? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2010 7:44 pm

Rush wrote:
I believe in most of the Bible, but not the awkward things like:
Adam and Eve and talking snake.

That was a metaphor, it was not exactly true about the talking snake, it just taught us that these people disobeyed God and they got punished, they got tempted by the snake to eat an apple from that tree, it was not necessarily about them eating an apple.

Just like in the prayer "and lead us not into temptation".
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God's religion is real? Empty
PostSubject: Re: God's religion is real?   God's religion is real? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2010 11:13 pm

we should sticky this cause this post could go longer then congratz to onyx and time could of made the universe cause the big bang theory states that a small particle made of pure energy blowed up and created the universe with its mass amount of gas and so eons later after this time so one could have made a particle made of pure energy but could not control it so a) he made a time machine a threw eons ago(i sound ridculous)b) the the particle energy was strong enough to tear through the space time and continuum and went back in time wjile sucking up a whole lot of things and thats what might of happend and by saying this god is time(sounds ridicoulus)

Last edited by chingguhaja on Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: God's religion is real?   God's religion is real? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2010 11:14 pm

Well, I do believe in God, Jesus and all that.
but Science is making it hrder to.

And also.
I spot a fail
"The Bing Bang"
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PostSubject: Re: God's religion is real?   God's religion is real? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 07, 2010 12:58 am

Rush wrote:
Well, I do believe in God, Jesus and all that.
but Science is making it hrder to.

And also.
I spot a fail
"The Bing Bang"

Ok guys, you are getting a little to much into the "How was the world created" topic, keep in mind this thread was suppose to be about what you think about the God's religion and all aspects of it.

I would like to start talking about God's love and passion for human life...
Since I just watched "Legion", it gets me thinking if God will ever actually lose faith in us (which I know it wont probably happen) and will exterminate us all.

God's love is limited, that I know and there will come a time where all the things you have done in life will be judged.
God is patient(for God a lifetime so around 80 years is like a second for him), that is for sure even if you do bad things in life, he will wait for you to repent and if you don't.. you know where your going... (Ahem, HELL!)

chingguhaja wrote:
we should sticky this cause this post could go longer then congratz to onyx and time could of made the universe cause the big bang theory states that a small particle made of pure energy blowed up and created the universe with its mass amount of gas and so eons later after this time so one could have made a particle made of pure energy but could not control it so a) he made a time machine a threw eons ago(i sound ridculous)b) the the particle energy was strong enough to tear through the space time and continuum and went back in time wjile sucking up a whole lot of things and thats what might of happend and by saying this god is time(sounds ridicoulus)

The big bang theory is just a theory and there is no way to proof it...

Then again God is real and the bible is proof.
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The Darkness

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God's religion is real? Empty
PostSubject: Re: God's religion is real?   God's religion is real? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2010 9:58 pm

i believe fo sho
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God's religion is real? Empty
PostSubject: Re: God's religion is real?   God's religion is real? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2010 10:44 pm

The Darkness wrote:
i believe fo sho

Your breaking all the rules so far...

"Please only educated and specific reply's, this is serious, no immaturity."
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PostSubject: Re: God's religion is real?   God's religion is real? Icon_minitime

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